Sunday, June 8, 2014

Create the Accountability Habit for Difficult Conversations

Difficult conversations are rarely welcome news.  Anytime someone under performs, doesn't meet a commitment, behaves poorly, misses your expectations, you've got a potentially difficult conversation to navigate.  

Welcome to the conflict crossroads where real relationship risk and opportunity are potential outcomes.  Will you speak up effectively, not at all or overreact?   Who will animosity work?  How will avoidance work? Or what if your response to them enhanced the relationship and influenced their behavior?   

High-performing people speak up effectively.  Picture a team member missing a commitment or a result they sign up for.  The high performer pauses, considers their options, then approaches with respectful candor, curious to see the world from the other person's viewpoint.  They spoke up, shining a light on the situation with dignifying respect while holding firm a standard, commitment, or examining an expectation gap.

 Behavior changed while mutual respect increased.

Real influence, true power in difficult conversations, hinges on our ability to understand and advance the goals of others. Reconciling conflicts, negotiating, de-escalating emotions, helping others make and keep commitments influences positive change.

What will you do at the next crossroad of conflict?  Your choice will make a significant difference.

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